projects Projects in development BRAINDRAIN A utopian sci-fi short movie about digital revolutionand a dystopian thinking about digital ethics.A european uchronia about nostalgic love for the web 1.0. Internet and the social network revolution are about to take a grotesque turn.A narrative whose deformed reality reflects certain aspects of the relationship between humans and technological devices in real life. Braindrain is a project that reflectsthe issues related to the digital revolution such as digital ethics, fake news,generational digital divide, influencer’s role and european multiculturalism.- Under Generative AI development N3WELL A European story about a robotherapist and his panicked patient.The first European animated short movie partially written by AI."N3WELL" is a 2D sci-fi short film inspired by the comic book"The N3WELL session" by Diego Cajelli, Andrea Scoppetta, Roberto Nataliniand Andrea Plazzi. Published by Edizioni CNR in collaboration with "Mauro Picone" instituteand AIxIA, the project is intended for European community fellows interested in the AI disruption of XXI century' arts. Wanna have a seat? We're always looking for production fellows! CONTACT@ARTWAIRK.COM